Home page - English edition

HL Engineering

Dr.ing. Helge Larsen


Company information.

Address, phone, fax, E-mail.

Useful links.

FEM / CFD / FSI - Images.

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Company information

The consulting company HL Engineering was established as a sole proprietorship by Helge Larsen in 1988. Helge Larsen is a graduate civil engineer and he also holds a doctor's degree in structural mechanics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He has carried out engineering consultancy services as well as research and development assignments for the offshore industry since 1983 (i.e. for leading oil companies, shipping companies, contractors and consulting companies - both with HL Engineering and in previous employments).

HL Engineering performs consultancy services within structural analyses and has extensive experience from the following types of structures and problems:

HL Engineering does also have experience from fluid flow analyses (CFD) and from analyses of fluid/structure-interaction (FSI). Some examples are:

HL Engineering does also posses tools for analyses within other disciplines:

Address, phone, fax, E-mail

HL Engineering welcome feedback (comments, enquiries, joint venture proposals, etc.) by mail, phone, fax or E-mail.


Postal address:

HL Engineering

Dr.ing. Helge Larsen

Gregorius Dagssonsgt.41

N-3714 Skien







+ 47 35 53 05 17

+ 47 35 53 05 17

+ 47 91 62 00 89


Useful links


WAMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT)

Anker - Zemer Engineering AS

Last update: Oct. 27, 1998